Common Water Heater Problems You May Encounter

September 13, 2022

Water heaters may be silent, but they do a lot of work in our homes. Most water heaters are designed to last. They usually come with long warranties – assuring you of using them for many years without facing any issues. But with a combination of water, heat and other external factors, problems are still bound to happen. Some of the problems may be minor and a simple repair can restore them back to normal functioning. It is important to contact a qualified technician to check the issue and have it fixed. has certified water heater technicians who work round the clock. All you need to do is make a call and give your location. 1. Water Temperature Issues Water temperature issues are some of the most commonly experienced problems with water heaters. The first issue is cold water. The major cause of cold water is either a faulty heating element or a faulty thermostat. Warm water is another issue. This can be a result of an undersized water heater or crossed hot and cold connections. 2. Leaks There are many factors that can cause leakage in a water heater. Some of them include improper water pressure, overheating, a stuck...

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Things You Need to Know About Power Washing an AC Unit

August 15, 2022

If you’re thinking about cleaning your air conditioner yourself, we recommend that you wipe it down. ‍Power washing your air conditioner unit is not recommended. Power washing your unit can cause damage that’s difficult to repair and increases the wear and tear on your system. Also, power washing can leave dirt and grit inside your unit that’s hard to clean out and poses a constant maintenance issue. With these risks in mind, here are some other things you should know about power washing an AC unit. What Is Power Washing? Power washing is applying an exceptionally high volume of water to a surface to remove dirt and grime. There are two power washers: a portable unit and an industrial or institutional unit. Mobile units come with a hose that you can use to spray water at a distance. Industrial or institutional units are designed to spray water at high pressure through a hose long enough to cut through dirt, grease, and other substances. Don’t Power Wash an AC Unit Power washing your unit is a bad idea due to several reasons. First, there is a very good chance you’ll damage it. This damage is difficult to repair, and may require...

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What Should I Do When My AC Unit Freezes Up?

July 20, 2022

If you see your outdoor AC unit has frozen up, it’s important to take care of the situation right away. Continuing to use your air conditioner can result in major damage. There are things you can do to prevent this from happening in the first place. Thaw It Out Turn off the power to your AC unit. You can do so either with the thermostat or in your electrical breaker box. Depending on the amount of ice, it can take anywhere from a few hours to over a day to thaw out. Don’t try to break up the ice with a sharp tool or a hammer, as you could easily break multiple parts. Dry Your AC Unit Once the ice has melted, it’s time to dry your AC unit. You can use towels to dry it, or just let it dry naturally. Turn your AC system back on and set the fan to “ON” on the thermostat. This will circulate air through your AC system and quickly dry the coils. Once everything is dry, use your AC as normal. Change Your Air Filter The cause of an AC unit freezing over is usually a lack of airflow. When your air...

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How Long Do HVAC Systems Go For?

June 13, 2022

Whether you’re purchasing a new HVAC system or simply worried that you might need to, you want to know how long these devices last. After all, any system, even a mini-split, which comes without ductwork, will be a hefty investment. Of course, the answer to this question will be complicated by several factors, which we’ll now explore. Different Elements of HVAC Systems HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, so if you own a system that combines, for example, a furnace with an AC, then you have to consider the differences between those two, which include differences in life span. A typical gas furnace runs for 15 to 20 years, while an electric air conditioner may last 10 to 15 years. Some homes are equipped with a heat pump, which lasts 15 to 20 years. HVAC Systems and Maintenance We know that the individual components in an HVAC system may wear out sooner than others. But to minimize that wear and tear across the whole system, you need professional maintenance. Experts suggest having it done twice a year: once in spring, to prepare for the cooling season, and once in autumn for the heating season. Maintenance refers to when...

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4 Reasons Why Your AC Is Leaking

May 17, 2022

When your air conditioner starts to leak, it can be a cause for concern. After all, leaks can result in higher energy bills, longer run times, and even damage to your home or HVAC system. Here are a few reasons why your AC is leaking. 1. Blocked Condensate Drain The condensate drain line is a small plastic tube that carries excess water away from the AC unit. If this tube becomes clogged, the water has nowhere to go and will start to leak out of the AC unit. There are a few things that can cause this line to become blocked. First, the line can become clogged with algae or other debris. Second, the line can become frozen or kinked, preventing water from flowing through it. 2. Low Refrigerant Level Low refrigerant causes the refrigerant lines to expand and contract, putting stress on both the lines and the rest of the AC components. Additionally, inadequate levels of refrigerant mean that there is not enough coolant to properly regulate temperatures, resulting in inefficient operation and increased wear and tear on key parts of the system. 3. Broken Evaporator Coil Evaporator coils are responsible for absorbing moisture from the air, which helps...

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3 Reasons Why Your Thermostat Placement Matters

April 11, 2022

Your thermostat placement can make a big difference in the comfort and efficiency of your house. So, it’s important to know where to place your thermostat so that your home is most comfortable for you and your family. Here are some reasons why the placement of your thermostat matters. 1. Impacts the Efficiency of Your Heating System An improperly placed thermostat can lead to inefficient heating. Placing a thermostat in an interior room like a hallway or bathroom could cause the system to cool down too quickly before it moves through the living space. This can throw off the living area’s temperature, and specific house elements can cool more quickly than other areas. In addition, replacing inefficient heating systems can be costly, especially if there is a leak in your system. 2. Saves Energy and Money Proper thermostat placement can save you money on your utility bill. If your thermostat is located in an interior room, it will take longer for the temperature to be comfortable in the rest of the house. To feel comfortable, you might have to turn up the heat or air conditioning. This continual adjustment can waste energy by keeping your system on longer than necessary....

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Should You Use a Furnace or Space Heater?

March 17, 2022

When you need to purchase a new heating system for your home, you have a few options. You can choose to go with a space heater that heats one room, or you can choose to go with a furnace to keep the entire house warm. You should take the time to examine the pros and cons of each option before making the final choice. Space Heater vs. Furnace Energy Efficiency The actual cost of running each heating option will depend on the weather and your heating needs. Generally, space heaters are not the best option if you are trying to keep the entire home comfortable and warm. However, a space heater is a better and more cost-effective option if you are only trying to heat one room or area in your house. Space Heater vs. Furnace for Cold Weather Space heaters might be the best option for the cold winter months if you intend to heat a specific area in your home. The good thing about space heaters is that they are small and portable, giving you the choice of where to place them. If you want to heat your entire home efficiently, it’s best to go with a furnace....

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The Best Furnace Filters for You

February 17, 2022

Changing your furnace filters is a regular chore that doesn’t take much time. However, choosing the right filter for your home often takes more thought and research. Improve your routine by finding furnace filters that keep your home cleaner and your family healthier. Safety Rating Many furnace filters are given a MERV rating that goes up to 20. This rating denotes how well the filter will catch certain contaminants. Many households use filters between eight and 14 to maintain optimal air quality. Your perfect number can fluctuate based on health reasons, the number of pets in the home, and household allergies. Finding your ideal range can minimize dust floating in the house and uncomfortable side effects like frequent sneezing and irritation. Budget Restrictions Thicker filters with higher MERV ratings often cost more than thinner filters. You may struggle to find high-performing, affordable filters. Take the time to find accessible alternative retailers online or locally. Buy in bulk or through a subscription to take advantage of discounts that give you more affordable access to better filters. Put the health of your home first as much as possible to avoid spreading illness and minimize the chance of damage or dust buildup in...

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Heat Pump or Furnace: Which One Fits Your Home?

January 10, 2022

When it’s time to purchase a new heating system for your home, you have a few different options. You could go with a furnace that burns propane or fuel, or you could go with one that uses electricity to generate heat. Alternatively, you could go with a heat pump, which absorbs heat from outside and transfers it into your house. Each type of heater has its own advantages, and you’ll want to find the one that’s just right for your household. Heat Pumps Save Money Because heat pumps don’t actually have to generate heat, they need far less energy to operate than furnaces do. Heat pumps use pressurized refrigerant coils to absorb heat, and they also have the ability to reverse this process and provide cool air instead. This means that when you have a heat pump, you don’t need to purchase a separate air conditioner. On average, heat pumps are also slightly less expensive to have installed than gas-powered or electric furnaces. Furnaces Are Better in Cold Weather Gas-powered furnaces generate heat via a constant combustion process, and electric furnaces warm your home by blowing air over a hot element. These processes are the same for the furnace regardless...

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Is My Furnace Up to Code?

December 20, 2021

Homeowners are often finding new and exciting ways to remodel their homes to better fit their family’s many needs. When considering a large remodel like changing out a furnace, it’s helpful to check out local codes and regulations that determine what’s allowed inside a commercial or residential home. Is My Furnace Up to Code? Homes are built with experienced technicians and laborers who work within the current code regulations. Homeowners can look through official city regulations themselves when starting a remodel, but the codes are often hundreds of pages long and can be confusing to anyone not trained and experienced in the field. Old homes may fall out of compliance, but they’re grandfathered into the system and don’t have to constantly be updated unless the homeowner is planning to sell. A great resource for those looking to get an idea about the current code regulations that are used in their area is to check the Uniform Mechanical Code. Many cities base their regulations on this frequently updated authority. The best way to be safe and follow local regulations when removing or installing a furnace is to rely on an experienced and certified technician. Professionals can safely install new heating and...

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