How To Keep My Home Cool Without Air Conditioning?

Cooling Solutions in Dayton, Ohio

If your house doesn’t have an air conditioner, there are steps you can take to cool it down in the summer. Some things you can do are free, while others will require you to spend some money.

Use Ceiling Fans

A ceiling fan will make the room it’s in feel about 4 degrees cooler. Make sure you set it to rotate counter-clockwise, as that will push the air straight down.

Close Blinds and Curtains

Sunlight shining through windows can dramatically increase the temperature in your home. Close blinds and curtains during the day to prevent this from happening.

Turn on Kitchen and Bathroom Fans

The fans in your kitchen and bathroom can pull hot air out of your house and expel it outside. If your kitchen doesn’t have a fan, you can install one if you’re handy with tools.

Vent Your Attic

Attics can get unbearably hot in the summer. You should have a roof-mounted fan to pull air out of your attic. This will help reduce the temperature in your entire house, not just in your attic.

Use Box Fans in Windows

You can use box fans in windows to cool your home. Point the fans toward the outside so that they pull hot air out of your residence.

If you’re in the market to have an air conditioner installed, Butler Heating & Air Conditioning in Dayton, OH, can help. Our team is highly skilled and experienced at installing AC systems.

Insulate Attic and Walls

Insulation reduces your energy bills by keeping cool air in and hot air out of your house. Insulation isn’t expensive and can save you money throughout the year.

Weather Stripping

You should apply weather stripping to doors and windows. This prevents hot air from entering your home and cool air from escaping. Weather stripping is also inexpensive and easy to apply.

Use Appliances at Night

Cooking can generate a lot of heat. Try to cook meals in the evening after it’s cooled down outdoors. You should also only use your dishwasher and clothes dryer in the evening.

Butler Heating & Air Conditioning installs, repairs, and tunes up air conditioners and heaters. We’re also indoor air quality experts. Get in touch with us today to schedule an appointment in the Dayton area.