Tips for Lowering AC Energy Costs in Ohio

July 21, 2023

Summertime is the perfect opportunity to get outdoors and enjoy the warm weather. But with rising temperatures come increased energy costs, especially if you’re not taking steps to reduce your energy consumption and save money. Here are a few tips for keeping cool while also saving some extra cash this summer. 1. Install Ceiling Fans Fans work by creating a breeze that increases the evaporation of sweat from your skin, which cools you down. Installing ceiling fans in the rooms where you spend the most time will help to reduce your air conditioning costs and keep your house cooler at the same time. Additionally, ceiling fans can be adjusted to rotate in different directions depending on the season. 2. Shut the Windows Due to the high temperature levels during the summer, keeping your windows closed can help you to maintain a cooler environment in your home. This is especially important during the day when the outside air will be warmer than inside your house. Additionally, insulating your windows can play a big role in keeping your home cool and preventing the warm air from coming in. You can do this by applying a reflective film to the windows or installing...

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Things You Need to Know About Power Washing an AC Unit

August 15, 2022

If you’re thinking about cleaning your air conditioner yourself, we recommend that you wipe it down. ā€¨Power washing your air conditioner unit is not recommended. Power washing your unit can cause damage that’s difficult to repair and increases the wear and tear on your system. Also, power washing can leave dirt and grit inside your unit that’s hard to clean out and poses a constant maintenance issue. With these risks in mind, here are some other things you should know about power washing an AC unit. What Is Power Washing? Power washing is applying an exceptionally high volume of water to a surface to remove dirt and grime. There are two power washers: a portable unit and an industrial or institutional unit. Mobile units come with a hose that you can use to spray water at a distance. Industrial or institutional units are designed to spray water at high pressure through a hose long enough to cut through dirt, grease, and other substances. Don’t Power Wash an AC Unit Power washing your unit is a bad idea due to several reasons. First, there is a very good chance you’ll damage it. This damage is difficult to repair, and may require...

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What Should I Do When My AC Unit Freezes Up?

July 20, 2022

If you see your outdoor AC unit has frozen up, it’s important to take care of the situation right away. Continuing to use your air conditioner can result in major damage. There are things you can do to prevent this from happening in the first place. Thaw It Out Turn off the power to your AC unit. You can do so either with the thermostat or in your electrical breaker box. Depending on the amount of ice, it can take anywhere from a few hours to over a day to thaw out. Don’t try to break up the ice with a sharp tool or a hammer, as you could easily break multiple parts. Dry Your AC Unit Once the ice has melted, it’s time to dry your AC unit. You can use towels to dry it, or just let it dry naturally. Turn your AC system back on and set the fan to “ON” on the thermostat. This will circulate air through your AC system and quickly dry the coils. Once everything is dry, use your AC as normal. Change Your Air Filter The cause of an AC unit freezing over is usually a lack of airflow. When your air...

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How Long Do HVAC Systems Go For?

June 13, 2022

Whether you’re purchasing a new HVAC system or simply worried that you might need to, you want to know how long these devices last. After all, any system, even a mini-split, which comes without ductwork, will be a hefty investment. Of course, the answer to this question will be complicated by several factors, which we’ll now explore. Different Elements of HVAC Systems HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, so if you own a system that combines, for example, a furnace with an AC, then you have to consider the differences between those two, which include differences in life span. A typical gas furnace runs for 15 to 20 years, while an electric air conditioner may last 10 to 15 years. Some homes are equipped with a heat pump, which lasts 15 to 20 years. HVAC Systems and Maintenance We know that the individual components in an HVAC system may wear out sooner than others. But to minimize that wear and tear across the whole system, you need professional maintenance. Experts suggest having it done twice a year: once in spring, to prepare for the cooling season, and once in autumn for the heating season. Maintenance refers to when...

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4 Reasons Why Your AC Is Leaking

May 17, 2022

When your air conditioner starts to leak, it can be a cause for concern. After all, leaks can result in higher energy bills, longer run times, and even damage to your home or HVAC system. Here are a few reasons why your AC is leaking. 1. Blocked Condensate Drain The condensate drain line is a small plastic tube that carries excess water away from the AC unit. If this tube becomes clogged, the water has nowhere to go and will start to leak out of the AC unit. There are a few things that can cause this line to become blocked. First, the line can become clogged with algae or other debris. Second, the line can become frozen or kinked, preventing water from flowing through it. 2. Low Refrigerant Level Low refrigerant causes the refrigerant lines to expand and contract, putting stress on both the lines and the rest of the AC components. Additionally, inadequate levels of refrigerant mean that there is not enough coolant to properly regulate temperatures, resulting in inefficient operation and increased wear and tear on key parts of the system. 3. Broken Evaporator Coil Evaporator coils are responsible for absorbing moisture from the air, which helps...

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3 Reasons Why Your Thermostat Placement Matters

April 11, 2022

Your thermostat placement can make a big difference in the comfort and efficiency of your house. So, it’s important to know where to place your thermostat so that your home is most comfortable for you and your family. Here are some reasons why the placement of your thermostat matters. 1. Impacts the Efficiency of Your Heating System An improperly placed thermostat can lead to inefficient heating. Placing a thermostat in an interior room like a hallway or bathroom could cause the system to cool down too quickly before it moves through the living space. This can throw off the living area’s temperature, and specific house elements can cool more quickly than other areas. In addition, replacing inefficient heating systems can be costly, especially if there is a leak in your system. 2. Saves Energy and Money Proper thermostat placement can save you money on your utility bill. If your thermostat is located in an interior room, it will take longer for the temperature to be comfortable in the rest of the house. To feel comfortable, you might have to turn up the heat or air conditioning. This continual adjustment can waste energy by keeping your system on longer than necessary....

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What’s the Best Temperature for Sleeping?

October 13, 2021

Getting a good night’s rest every night is critical to your health and well-being. Sleep medicine physicians recommend setting up your bedroom with optimal sleep hygiene. One of the main parts of sleep hygiene is the temperature of your bedroom. Use these tips to find your ideal sleeping temperature so that you can get the quantity and quality of sleep your body needs. Start Lower Than You Think During the day, you’re more active. Your body’s metabolism is faster than it is at night. The metabolism and your movement make you feel warm and alert. Conversely, your body’s metabolism slows in the evening. Your internal temperature drops by about a degree, which helps trigger sleepiness. You’ll sleep better at a lower air temperature. Set your thermostat between 64 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit at night. Make Small Adjustments After trying a temperature between 64 and 67-degrees Fahrenheit for a few nights, make small adjustments to find the best temperature. If you’re still too warm at 67 degrees, set the thermostat just one degree lower. If you have a sleep partner who prefers a different temperature, you may have to negotiate or make adjustments with blankets. Consider Ventilation If you lower the...

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How to Know Which AC System Is Best for You

August 2, 2021

Just as there are many types of living environments, there are many different kinds of AC systems designed to meet specific requirements. Here are some of the most common AC systems and a short discussion to help you determine which type would be the wisest choice for your home. Central AC Unit A central AC system operates from a big compressor outside your home, pumping air through ducts and out through vents into every room. Since it’s reliable and works exceptionally well, this type of AC is quite popular. However, a central AC unit isn’t necessarily right for everyone. If you own an older home, for example, refitting your property to have the necessary components installed can be a waste of time and money. In newer homes, installation is a much smoother process. Window AC Sometimes, the classic window AC is simply the way to go. It’s the perfect option when your budget is low, and you don’t have the means to make changes to your living space. If your home is relatively small, a window AC is often all you need to get the job done. Best of all, installation is a breeze. Ductless AC System One of the...

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How To Keep My Home Cool Without Air Conditioning?

June 21, 2021

If your house doesn’t have an air conditioner, there are steps you can take to cool it down in the summer. Some things you can do are free, while others will require you to spend some money. Use Ceiling Fans A ceiling fan will make the room it’s in feel about 4 degrees cooler. Make sure you set it to rotate counter-clockwise, as that will push the air straight down. Close Blinds and Curtains Sunlight shining through windows can dramatically increase the temperature in your home. Close blinds and curtains during the day to prevent this from happening. Turn on Kitchen and Bathroom Fans The fans in your kitchen and bathroom can pull hot air out of your house and expel it outside. If your kitchen doesn’t have a fan, you can install one if you’re handy with tools. Vent Your Attic Attics can get unbearably hot in the summer. You should have a roof-mounted fan to pull air out of your attic. This will help reduce the temperature in your entire house, not just in your attic. Use Box Fans in Windows You can use box fans in windows to cool your home. Point the fans toward the outside...

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How Many Watts Does an Air Conditioner Use?

May 15, 2021

Determining how many watts an air conditioner uses per hour can be very helpful if you want to estimate what it will cost to operate it. This is also important if you want to have a backup generator. If you intend to employ your generator to run your air conditioner, you’ll need to know how many watts the AC uses. This measurement will vary depending on the efficiency, age and size of the unit. General Watt Usages Different sizes of AC units obviously have different wattages. Here is a general list of watt usage per hour: Central AC: 3500 watts Central AC with fan only: 750 watts Mid-sized portable AC unit: 2900 watts Large portable AC: up to 4100 watts Small window AC: 500 watts Medium window AC: 900 watts Large window AC: 1440 watts Factors That Determine Actual Power Consumption The actual amount of energy used depends on a number of factors. How often your air conditioner cycles on will affect the power usage and how much you pay. In cooler climates, your air conditioner may only turn on for 15 minutes every hour. A hotter climate will demand a greater power consumption. The efficiency of your unit will...

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