How to Bleed a Boiler

November 13, 2017

Do you randomly hear a bubbling noises when you use your central heating system kicks on? Does it feel as if you are losing heat when the boiler is hard at work? The likely issue is going to be air bubbles in your heat unit. You will need the bleed the boiler before it worsens and you require heating repair or an installation. Bleeding Because Of Bubbles Air bubbles in your heat unit are not unusual.  The air could remain from the last time you topped off your boiler. Other causes are leaks or poorly fitted ducts. Whatever the reason, your boiler needs to be bled to ensure the radiator works efficiently and prevents ducts from oxidizing. You will also notice a change of electricity bill once the unit’s maintenance comes to completion. Bleeding The Boiler If you attempt to drain the boiler on your own, you require several supplies. You need a radiator bleed-key or screwdriver, a tray to collect liquid, and a towel. You also have steps you must follow for your safety and without damaging your boiler. Set radiator to the maximum heat setting and ensure the boiler begins to circulate water. Leave the boiler at the setting for at least fifteen minutes....

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